A Siren's Wish Read online

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  As a siren she possessed the skill to get a full glimpse of a man’s life with a single touch. That talent hadn’t left once she’d been turned into a human. Never had touching a man compelled her to do good, but one touch of Chase’s arm and his life invaded hers. He was a man built with integrity and his life had been the shits. His mother died when he was young, and his father had died about a decade ago. There had been a slew of women in his life but none captured his heart. And now cancer ate away at this strong man. Built like a football player, all stocky muscle, his heart and soul were pure, which was why he joined the police force. She gathered all of that intel simply by stroking his arm, and what an arm it had been.

  Layered with needle marks, it was still defined by muscles. He might have stage three cancer but Sasha knew he fought the good fight. What she also knew was he wouldn’t make it. That too was part and parcel of her gift. The fight before him was long and slow and the vision of the once proud, laughing man before her fading to a shell of himself ate at her. Chase would rather die fast and furious than waste away, and knowing that was what propelled Sasha to take over.

  The curse was not ridding her, but her heart and compassion were.

  It was three in the morning. The night shift had settled the ward into quiet mode. Using the darkness as her cover, Sasha made her way to Chase’s private room. Entering quietly, she stepped through his door and then locked it. The last thing she needed was an audience.

  This time she wasn’t disguised.

  “I’ve been waiting.”

  His voice, soft but full of baritone bravado snagged her heart.

  “I see the drugs have worked. Are you feeling better?”

  He propped himself up in the bed, fluffing the two large pillows up behind his back so he could sit up. She noticed a five o’clock shadow darkening his chiseled face. By the gods he’s handsome.

  “I wasn’t at first but I called the nurse like you said and she gave me something you recommended, which smelled terrible and tasted worse but thankfully did the trick.”

  Sasha moved closer to him and resisted the urge to check his vitals. She was here to give pleasure and then, only once he understood her offer would she think about ending his life.

  Quietly, Sasha dragged the chair in the corner to his bedside. “Yeah, sorry about that, it’s my own special seaweed brew.”

  He laughed. “Gross, you made me drink fermented seaweed.”

  Sasha loved his voice. It was strong and reminded her of the commanding tones of the Titans from her realm. Sasha liked his laugh even more for it tugged at her heart. A heart she had thought was dried up and dead like some beached clamshell. “Yeah, I did, and it worked so don’t complain.”

  “I’m not complaining, but I think you and I know you didn’t come back for chit chat.”

  Sasha undid her hair, letting the length of it spill forward over her shoulders. His hand reached up and stroked a handful. She stilled. Men never touched her real hair but Sasha wanted his caress.

  “Your hair is beautiful,” he said, continuing to gently play with her long locks. “And I see now why you keep it tied up.”

  “You do?” A sexy grin lit up his face and his sky-blue eyes heated, sending spirals of warmth throughout Sasha’s body. Even her nipples peaked, something that rarely happened these days when she was with a man.

  “Yeah, because if you walked around with it like this, all the patients and doctors wouldn’t get any work done.”

  Sasha smiled. Chase was flirting with her. Sasha knew he was trying to make her feel at ease and the thought warmed her heart. That was the type of man he was. Sasha moved her hand to his. “I wish I had all the time in the world to talk to you but we don’t. I’m not going to tell you what your chart says because we both know the truth. What I want to talk to you about tonight is pleasure and a choice.”

  “Oh, I like the word pleasure so talk away,” said Chase, giving her a bold wink.

  Fear clawed at Sasha. What she was about to do had severe ramifications. But for him she was willing to risk it. Life was a choice and it was beautiful and more than ever she wanted him to understand what she had become. A part of her knew it was a selfish want.

  “Take my hand. I’m going to show you something I would never normally show anyone but you, Chase, are a man of worth who deserves to see his fate.”

  He gave a soft chuckle. “Okay, now fate is not a sexy word, Dr. Rivers. Let’s go back to that word pleasure. I quite enjoyed how that sounded on your lovely mouth.”

  Sasha fought not to chuckle. “Sasha, my name’s Sasha. And as much as I’d like nothing more than to give you the pleasure I crave, I need you to understand the terms of the offer. Please pay attention, Chase because what I’m about to show you will change you.”

  He wrapped her hair around his wrist and dragged her closer. She moved her body so that she could perch on the side of his bed. Sasha understood his intentions but realized it would make what she was about to do easier. Sasha waited for him to digest her words.

  He nodded, grinned more and said, “I’m yours.”

  Two words that had more meaning than he could ever know. Sasha didn’t speak. Instead she placed her hands over his chest, feeling the rhythmic beat and only then did she let her Siren powers course through him. His heartbeat sped up and his breath hitched.

  A few minutes later it was done. He unclasped her hair and sank against the pillows. He ran a shaky hand through his own ruffled hair.

  “Fuck, what the hell was that? My freaking life just flashed before my eyes and, fuck…”

  Sasha watched him continue to rake a hand nervously through his sandy brown hair. She longed to run her fingers through his wavy hair, but instead waited for him to fully understand what she’d shown him.

  “Was that for real?”

  His voice was soft, sounding resigned. A part of Sasha felt intense sorrow that he knew his fate. Sadly, Sasha nodded. “I am sorry.”

  Still staring at the ceiling he said, “Not half as sorry as I am. No fucking way do I want to die like that.”

  “I can change that.” Sasha rushed on by disclosing what she really was. She could tell by his wide-eyed expression he wasn’t buying it. The only way to show him was to kiss him, fully with all her Siren passion and for once in Sasha’s human life fear clawed at her.

  “If I kiss you with my Siren passion you will see where I come from. I have never done that with a human, ever. But for you, Chase, I am willing.” My secret that will give you all the power to put me away for good. It was a thought echoing loudly within Sasha’s mind and heart.

  He propped himself once again on the pillows. “So, you’re saying that you’re some sort of mermaid, right, but were cursed and if you don’t have sex and take the soul of a man every month you will turn to dust. How do I know you’re not freaking me out so I’ll agree to be your next victim?”

  That was the cop in him. Mistrust. She understood that. She liked how his blue eyes heated to a navy color while he absorbed her story.

  “Good point,” said Sasha. “I can’t make you trust me, but it is the truth. The choice is yours. There is nothing else I can say that will convince you but Chase, why would I tell the nurse to give you my special brew that would help make you feel better if I wanted you dead?”

  “Beats me, but good point. I don’t want to die like how you showed me.” His eyes drilled in on her and she felt his facial muscles tighten.

  Sasha leaned closer to where Chase lay. With her disclosure he’d bunched up the pillows so he seemed taller in the bed. She was an inch from his lips. “That is the only reason I have dared to tell you my secret. You are like a Titan. Physically you are strong but your heart is even stronger. A man like you should not wither away. My terms remain the same. I wish I could make things different for you. As it is I’ve never told anyone this, and I’ve revealed to you my secret nightmare.”

  “You haven’t told anyone else this, ever?”

  Sasha shook her head, h
er hair moving wildly around her. “Never. Most humans would scream or run away or lock me up. Trust me, it’s not something they’d appreciate coming from their doctor.” She gave a soft chuckle.

  His hand reached out to brush her cheek. She stilled. His fingers were calloused but his touch was gentle and something long thought dead stirred to life within Sasha.

  “Trust me, Sasha I want to scream but since I’m still hooked up to this damn IV I can’t run. And the cop in me has lots of questions I’m dying to ask, no pun intended, about your victims, but I’m keeping my mouth shut, even though curiosity is killing me.”

  Sasha captured his hand caressing her cheek. She leaned her head on his palm and sighed. Then she reached across him and used her hand to gently remove his IV needle. He didn’t make a sound. “You are free to run if you’d like. And ask away.”

  Instead of running, Chase pulled her onto his bed.

  “I’m not sure I fully believe all you’ve told me but I’m not asking. I don’t want to know. Some other cop can deal with all that, but right now, all I want is to believe in what you are offering. And, more than anything I need to feel you. You make me feel alive and considering I’ve felt dead for months I’m not wasting it with talk.”

  “Then let me show you who I really am,” said Sasha. She captured his mouth and claimed his lips. Instantly she poured all her Siren passion into the melding of their mouths, hoping he’d see what the Sea Witch claimed would happen should she decide ever to share her heritage with a man of worth. He gasped.

  “Holy fuck. How is that possible? I saw you swimming but you had a freaking tail and oh my god, you looked unbelievable.”

  Sasha smiled. “Thanks. I used to be quite the looker as a Siren, which I think is why I got cursed.”

  “Are you sorry you got cursed?”

  “I used to be mad but honestly, I’m only sorry that I have to take a life to stay alive. Since I’ve become human, I’ve poured my energy into saving lives.”

  “Sasha, kiss me again. I really liked it.”

  Chase captured her head and took control of the kiss this time and Sasha loved it. With one hand he stroked her nearby thigh that was perched on the bed. His tongue slipped in and they dueled like young lovers. Sasha pushed off her lab coat. She was getting hot. Chase urged her to undress and she obliged. He turned his back to her and commanded her to get him out of the damn hospital gown. The minute they were both naked they slid their hands over each other’s heated skin.

  Sasha loved his play of his muscles. She took her time to caress his arms, remembering from earlier how sensitive they were. Then she moved to his thighs, teasing him with light touches as she inched her way up his legs. He lay sprawled on the bed eagerly anticipating her touch. His thick, long cock jutted upwards, screaming for her lips. Graciously, Sasha complied. First she blew on the top of his cockhead. Pre-cum leaked from the slit. She lapped it up. He sucked in his breath and fisted his hands into her hair, but still he was gentle.

  “Fuck, that felt great.”

  Sasha moved her body so that she was kneeling over him. He slid a hand to her wet pussy and slowly rubbed her cunt. She pushed him back down to the bed. “Play at being the patient and let me suck your cock.”

  Chase laughed. “I seriously hope you don’t go around saying that to all your patients.”

  Without saying a word, Sasha sank her mouth around his shaft. She took his cock all the way into her mouth, opening wide enough for the girth of him to fill her. Then she sucked at him, using her throat muscles to flex and pull at his cock. He pushed her head down more and she loved his loss of control. She sucked harder and would have stayed like that for a lot longer, but he tugged at her hair, urging her off.

  “Sweet mercy that felt incredible but honestly, I want you and if you keep that up, I’m going to come in that sweet mouth of yours. I want to pleasure you.”

  Pleasure me? No guy wants that. Stunned, she slid her body up his to lie totally on top of him. His hands caressed her body in slow strokes. Then his large hands skimmed over her mound and he expertly played with the crack of her ass.

  “I want to taste you,” said Chase, further catching Sasha off guard.

  “Tonight it’s about pleasuring you,” reminded Sasha.

  Chase ignored her and then used his massive body to switch their positions. “Wrong, Sasha. Tonight is about me pleasuring you.”

  Lying submissive underneath Chase, Sasha gasped. It had been so long she had forgotten what the tender feeling of a Titan’s hands on her body felt like. She blinked. Chase wasn’t a Titan but he was so much a man of worth that Sasha knew he belonged to the world of living. He teased her nipples to tight, achy buds. First he licked them gently, but then he suckled them like a starving man. He took his blessed time too, which had her body growing hotter and more demanding with each ticking minute.

  He dragged his head down her slick skin, taking time to explore first the undersides of her breasts, which were highly sensitive, and then stopping at her bellybutton. As a Siren she’d had a ridge of scales that separated her mid-section and tail and the scales were a key erogenous zone for Sirens. With Chase playing with her navel all thoughts scattered. He was an expert lover, taking the time to get to know what she liked and it was killing her. How could she kill him?

  He sank lower, pushing her legs open. She willingly obliged, splaying herself open, exposing herself to his perusal. His tongue lapped at her and then he suckled her clit. It had been so long since she’d experienced an orgasm that Sasha almost screamed from the blinding pleasure of it. He continued to lick her until the tremors of passion calmed. Then he moved up her body and sank his thick cock inside her tight sheath.

  “Fuck,” he said.

  She had told him her body would be virgin-like and while he might have understood her plight, the reality of his large shaft trying to push through her barrier hit him.

  “Am I hurting you?”

  No man had ever asked that. They’d been too pleased to penetrate her tight sheath to care about what was happening to her. Chase stilled and she knew he fought not to give into the temptation to slide a bit further through her tight channel.

  Sasha grasped his head and brought his lips to hers. “The pain only lasts a minute.”

  “Yeah, why do I get the feeling you’re lying, Sasha. Listen, I’m going to go slow and you tell me if I hurt you too much and I will stop.”

  “Chase, don’t stop. It gets better.”

  “Then breathe, baby, breathe. You’re holding your breath and I know this has got to hurt. That Sea Witch is a bitch.” Chase snarled into her neck as his back muscles tensed.

  Sasha needed him to move. She swung her legs up and moved her hips. The move slid his cock deeper inside her. He hissed and then captured her lips.

  She urged him to move with her legs and he slowly complied. The tenderness of his actions caused her heart to beat rapidly. He truly cared about pleasuring her and it was so beyond what she’d experienced with other men that Sasha highly doubted she’d be able to give him what he desired—death.

  Chase picked up the pace the minute he fully penetrated her barrier. She couldn’t have been happier. That pulsing need for her to claim his soul started to match his strong, swift strokes inside her cunt.

  Using her Siren strength, Sasha rolled him over so she could straddle him. He grinned. His blue eyes looked at her with such tenderness that Sasha didn’t realize she was crying until he stilled, stroked a tear from her cheek and said, “It’s going to be okay.”

  Sasha knew something he didn’t. It wasn’t going to be okay. That craving, that primitive need that transformed her from Siren, from being a so-called human into a succubus was getting the upper hand.

  Placing her palms on his chest she rode him hard. Sasha shut her eyes to avoid how wonderful he looked as the rapture of his orgasm gripped him. She sank her nails into his arms trying to fight her nature that said to take what he offered—his soul.

  * * *

/>   Chapter Four

  One minute Chase was having the best time of his life and in the next minute cool air kissed his naked skin. Sasha jumped off him so fast he thought she’d fallen off the small hospital bed. She hadn’t. In his haze, with passion still gripping his body and cock, she’d also grabbed her clothing to bolt from the room.

  No way was he letting her get away.

  Chase got up from the bed and realized he felt great. Not just okay, or numb from the pain meds, but truly wonderful. He yanked his clothes out of the nearby dresser and marveled at how easy it was to get dressed. He didn’t feel winded and then the reality of what that meant to Sasha hit him like a bullet, straight to his heart.

  Sasha had told him if she didn’t claim a soul she’d turn to dust. She hadn’t taken his soul. She had given all her passion to him but no frigging way was he about to let her turn to ashes. Not on his watch.

  Where would she go? The minute he stepped outside he knew. Sasha would head to the nearest beach for the sea. Why he knew that mystified him but he wasn’t about to look that gift horse in the mouth.

  Heading three blocks from the hospital he made it Point Pleasant Park, in the city’s south end. Dawn was almost breaking but it was still too early for the fanatic joggers and he was thankful for that. He looked around the beach and didn’t find her, but then he realized she might feel too exposed so he made his way to a small cove around the bend. There, moving into the waves was Sasha.

  “Sasha, wait.”

  She froze for a second and then zeroed in on his voice. She gave him one good look before turning back to the ocean. When she dove headfirst into a wave his heart lurched.

  Chase did the only thing he could think of. He stripped and dove in after her. The pull of the swift current brought him out into the harbor fast and it wasn’t long before his arms grew tired.