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Bliss Page 9

  “What the...?” he sputtered.

  Good to know I’m not the only one with questions. Kassandra watched Darius take in the scene.

  “It’s okay, Uncle. It’s me, Reece,” said the man as he attempted to slide his long, muscular legs over the side of the bed.

  In a movement so quick it almost didn’t register, Darius moved to intercept him. “Reece, what happened?”

  “I’m not sure. I felt you lending me your strength throughout the night as the pain took hold of my body, but as for the rest, I’m not sure. All my life I’ve heard stories of the awakening year. How the first time it tears through your body and the memories get burned into you. But Darius, I have all the memories. All of them. And my body. Somehow, I don’t think this...”

  Kassandra watched as he took a good long look at himself.

  “... is what mother had in mind for me when she said I would have a growth spurt. Is this my final form, well okay, final human form, that is?” he asked, as a smile lit up his face, his eyes wide still with that innocent child-like stare.

  “Your mother is going to kill me. Okay, let me rephrase that. My brother is first going to kill me and then, knowing your mother, she’s going to do it all over again,” Darius said, as he stretched his body.

  Kassandra was reminded of a large, wild tiger as he lazily stretched his arms above his head and flexed on the balls of his bare feet.

  “Hello guys, I hate to interrupt but dare I ask what went on here last night?” asked Kassandra, finally finding the courage to move away from the door.

  “Who let you out of that room?” demanded Darius, advancing toward her, his eyes blazing at her.

  “Good morning to you, too, Darius,” smirked Kassandra, vowing to not move an inch.

  “Uncle, this is...?”asked Reece, swinging his legs over the side of the bed.

  That stopped Darius cold. Kassandra watched as he ran his hands through his long hair. Part of her envied those long fingers of his. With a chagrined expression on his face, Darius finally introduced her.

  “Reece, this is Kassandra. Kassandra, my nephew, Reece.”

  Reece cocked his head to the side like he was listening to someone. Again, she felt as if there was a private conversation taking place between Darius and Reece, but that was impossible. Wasn’t it?

  Darius grabbed the blankets to keep Reece covered. “Do you think this could be a reaction to the sickness?” Darius asked the question as if he expected a response, but in reality, Kassandra knew he was just thinking out loud.

  “This might be the reason mother sent me to find you. She and um...your mother…were unusually worried about my awakening year. Now I know why. I must say I’m happy to have that done with. At least I won’t have to repeat that anymore,” he said, his voice breaking out with a laugh that did more to rejuvenate Darius than anything.

  “Is everything okay with Seth?” asked Darius.

  “When I left he said he was okay but honestly, he didn’t seem to be his usual bossy self,” said Reece, finally gaining enough strength to stand. “And where have you been?”

  “That’s very complicated and a story for another time. Let me assure you I didn’t leave you on purpose. I hope Seth and your mother know that.”

  “My father has been searching for you for years but it was Auntie Mercka who told us not to worry and that you would appear when we needed you most. And that took the worry off, because everyone knows Auntie can see the future. Mercka was also the one who told me where to find you. She sends her greetings.”

  Darius grasped the man arm to arm, kissing first one cheek then the other and finally a kiss on the forehead. The scene brought a tear to Kassandra’s eye.

  “Well, I’m glad to see you two are fine,” she said, her voice a little husky. “As for me, I think I’ll just leave you in peace because I know my questions will get no answers. So with that, adieu.”

  Darius turned toward her. “Kassandra.”

  The way he said her name caused goose bumps to break out over her entire body.

  “Um, Uncle, you wouldn’t happen to have some spare clothing I could wear?” said Reece, still clutching the blanket tight to his frame.

  Kassandra giggled as Darius noticed what she did. Reece was one fine specimen of a man. She laughed harder when Darius placed his body in front of Reece’s to block her view and grabbed another blanket to throw across his nephew’s head.

  “I’ll get Saad to bring you some clothing and food. And after breakfast you and I are going to have a long talk about things....everything,” he said, turning his attention once again to Kassandra.

  As if on cue, in walked Saad with an entourage of servants, some bearing clothing and others with breakfast. Darius made swift introductions. Kassandra watched Reece exchange what must be the formal greeting with Saad and then back up, like he was thinking something was off. Tension filled the air. It was Darius who broke the silence this time.

  “Kassandra, have breakfast with me,” ordered Darius.

  Part of her wanted to inform him she didn’t care to be ordered around, but the other, more traitorous part of her, yearned to be near him. He looked happy for a change, and it filled her heart with something she wasn’t keen to discern.

  “Sure, why not?” She said a final goodbye to Reece who was eyeing the pretty girl that was serving his breakfast.

  “You might want to have a talk with him about the birds and the bees,” she stated not missing the look of sexual interest Reece seemed to have for the young serving girl.

  “Birds and the bees. What are you talking about?” asked Darius, moving towards a patio off the dining room.

  Kassandra stopped walking. “You know...” she eyed him, looking for recognition of what she was talking about.

  “No I don’t, just spit it out,” he said, forcing her to move again.

  She gulped, and wetted her lips. “Sex.”

  “What about it?” he asked casually, his eyes gleaming with the mere mention of the word.

  “I don’t get you. Last night there was a kid writhing in agony in that bed and now, this morning, he’s a full grown man, eyeing that pretty little serving girl. I’m thinking he might need a bit of guidance now, that’s it. You might want to have the sex talk with him. And I hope that’s all the paranormal stuff I have to deal with,” she stated, feeling the blush move from her face to her chest.

  Laughter was the last thing she expected from him. It softened his features and made him look more approachable, which wasn’t good. “Reece will be fine. You don’t need to be concerned. Let’s enjoy our breakfast and get to know each other for a little bit before the next crisis falls in our laps,” he said.

  Sarcasm and laughter. Two traits she would have sworn he didn’t possess yesterday.

  “After you, my lady,” he said, gallantly holding open the patio door for her to step through. She almost felt like she was stepping into another world. Clad in his tight fitting jeans that hugged his hips, with his bright pink t-shirt on, he looked like an old-fashioned gentleman as he ushered her onto the patio.

  Servants followed with trays of fruit, salted cod, and kippers. The smell of hickory coffee wafting on the light breeze caused her to give a slight shiver.

  “Are you cold?” Genuine concern filled his voice.

  Hugging her arms for warmth and safety, she replied “No.” She didn’t want anything to interrupt the mood.

  He eyed her like he wanted to say something but then smiled charmingly, like he had a secret. More goose bumps formed over her skin. He pulled the chair out for her and motioned for her to sit. Then he picked a lush strawberry from the pile and brought it to her lips.

  She had to tilt her head back and the effect was more than she bargained for. His towering body stood over her, his hand holding the berry just inches from her mouth as his emerald-green eyes blazed with hot desire. She couldn’t help but wet her lips as he brought the red, ripe berry to her mouth. She bit into it, causing juice to spill down her chin
. Immediately, his fingers were there, wiping away the excess from the berry. In a world of her own she watched as he brought his fingers to his lips and suckled. The erotic image caused her nipples ache. Hot desire flooded her body.

  Oh, how she hated him, she reminded herself. Shaking her head slightly she cleared her thoughts. Today was going to be the day she figured out how to escape without getting herself killed.

  She turned her head towards the smell of the hot coffee. Anything to distract her from her own passion and desire that wanted nothing more than to rip all of Darius’ clothing off of him and bring him to his knees.

  As if he could read her mind, he grinned and took a seat, gulping down half a dozen kippers and half a honeydew melon before he raised his all-knowing eyes to hers.

  “So, what do you think of our little adventure, so far?” he asked, eyeing the hot steaming brew that sat next to him.

  “Well, let me see. First I get you...and I’m not really sure what you are...and then I’m forced—did I mention I hate to be forced to do anything?—into a car for a wild adventure ride only to run into a Michael Jackson zombie look alike. Then we end up here, with our host Saad, and his exotic female pets, and to top it off you come back from what I can only assume was a leisurely call to walk the beach with your nephew, who just happened to be skinny dipping without his parents. I’m thinking I wish I was on some medication of some sort. There is no way anyone...okay maybe Melissa and just maybe Sarah would believe me, but hell, I’m not even sure I believe myself.” Her heart beat wickedly while he stared at her like there was no tomorrow. And for all she knew, with him, that could very well be true.

  “You seem to be handling things pretty well.” He said it casually, while his large, muscular leg moved between hers. She felt his toes gently scrap the inside of her calf, and she gulped. She was no longer cold from the breeze as passion rippled through her, flames lighting from her calf to the pit of her stomach, leaving her all but breathless.

  “Whatever,” she replied, trying once again to assume her most sarcastic tone. Forget about him. He doesn’t matter. All that matters is getting away.

  “Kassandra,” he said, as gently as he had ever spoken to her, “I know this has been strange. Heck, it’s been somewhat strange for me, too, but I like your courage, your spunk and, ability to adapt. I’ve got to go somewhere today and you’re going to have to come along with me because of that damn book, but trust me, once I’ve figured out how to get unbound from it, I’ll let you go back to your normal life. As for today, I hate to say it, but it’s not going to be a picnic. Saad, has arranged for us to use his yacht and after breakfast we’re going out to sea.”

  “That sea?” she asked. She looked out at the Atlantic and felt the southwest wind. She also noticed how the swell was picking up.

  “That sea,” he confirmed, taking a small sip of coffee and grimacing immediately.

  “I take it you don’t drink coffee,” she said, almost laughing.

  Leaning back in the patio chair, he stuffed two large strawberries in his mouth before answering her. “That stuff is disgusting. I have no idea how you humans drink it.

  You humans? What the hell does that make him?

  “The yacht is ready at your disposal,” said Saad, entering the patio with his favorite female pet hanging off his arm.

  Annoyed at the interruption, Kassandra eyed the beauty who was all but salivating at Darius. She secretly hoped the woman drooled and made a fool of herself.

  “Would you like me to come with you, Darius?” asked Fiona, dropping Saad’s arm to sashay towards their table.

  Kassandra fought the urge to throw a piece of fruit at her.

  “That won’t be necessary. Thanks, Saad,” said Darius, who immediately got up to move her chair back for her.

  She fought the urge to flash Fiona a wicked smile. That would be way too childish, even for the mood she was in right now.

  “Darius, before you leave, a moment of your time,” said Saad, holding open the patio door for them.

  “That won’t be necessary, Saad. I will see you later tonight.” His tone broached no argument, and once again Kassandra watched as Saad bowed his head in acknowledgment.

  “The sharks...” he said in a small voice.

  Darius turned to face Saad, his voice gruff as he said, “I am not worried, nor should you be. We will be fine.”

  “Take this, just in case,” said Saad, handing Darius a large blue crystal.

  As Darius cradled the crystal in his large hand, a look of complete disbelief came over his face. “Where did you...?”

  “Your mother,” said Saad, brushing past them.

  Darius growled low in his throat and eyed their host. A range of conflicting emotions played across his face.

  Kassandra knew she had to do something to distract him from going after Saad. “Darius where are we going?”

  “To hell and back...I hope,” he replied, taking her by the arm, to march them out of the house.

  Gone was the compassionate Darius, and once again the imposing Greek warrior who chilled her heart and soul stood shoulder to shoulder with her. And once again, Kassandra shivered with mixed emotions.

  Darius loved to listen to Reece talk. His nephew was the anchor holding him in place for this suicide mission. He couldn’t fail them. His mardom was counting on him and the fact a decade had passed and he’d been helpless to help made him furious with the Fates. He was pleased to know his sister had used her gift to ease their anxiety. Mentally, he tried to connect with her but failed. Darius was praying silently that when he raptured he’d be able to touch base with family.

  The yacht was speedy, and in no time Darius found himself exactly where he wanted to be. Now came the hard part. He was still trying to figure out a way to rapture into his true form without killing Kassandra.

  Piloting the yacht, he’d been surprised to see joy light up her face. He had watched with amusement as she sauntered about the deck with sea legs that would make an accomplished sailor proud. As it was, it made him hot and hard for her. His eyes kept getting diverted by her cute ass as she romped playfully around in the tight space. Knowing that she was also wearing a lacy, white thong that his eyes could discern didn’t help matters. And, just where had she gotten those tight jeans, or that blasted tank top that barely concealed her bountiful breasts? he wondered. He wished he’d tied his long hair back with something to keep it from flying into his eyes.

  There had been a time he’d kept it cut short and neat. No longer. What was the point? Once he raptured into his Titan form, his hair grew back to its shoulder length so keeping it constantly trimmed had become a nuisance.

  Kassandra’s laugher broke through his thoughts. She stood at the stern of the yacht, her arms outstretched, her face titled back in joy as the sun’s rays steamed over her slim body.

  He had thought she’d be nervous on the water. Learning she practically grew up on boats of all sorts explained her ease.

  “What’s that?” she asked, moving from the stern to stand next to him as she reached for the binoculars.

  Darius didn’t binoculars. He could hear the hum of life coming from the island, even though it was dark and fuzzy to his eyes. He knew to the human eye, it would look like a small island. To him, it was Miradith, the place the high court of Cabiri had currently chosen for its location and his summoning. The fact Miradith was one temperamental, very-much-alive island bothered him. Why Sangarius, a mighty river god and first born son to Oceanus, had created the island still remained a mystery to all. It was more of a headache than anything else. Darius slowed the engine down to stop the yacht.

  “Is this it?” Kassandra asked, putting the binoculars back in their case.

  Darius moved to the side of the boat. A slight cool breeze ruffled his hair. He took a deep breath and the scent of salt water filled his senses. His heart filled with longing for the sea. As if it could read his thoughts, two dolphins surfaced, spraying him with water.

sp; “Dolphins, Darius! Look at them, aren’t they beautiful?” said Kassandra, her eyes sparkling in the high sun.

  “Yes, beautiful,” said Darius, turning to look at her. She turned her face to his, a pink blush spreading across her cheeks. Grabbing the rail he fought the urge to take her in his arms and kiss those lush lips of hers. Knowing his voice was gruffer than he intended, he asked “Do you know how to snorkel?”

  The light disappeared from her eyes as she replied, “Yes.”

  “Good, put these on, and we’re going in.” He handed her a snorkel mask and flippers.

  With easy familiarity, she slipped the flippers onto her small feet.

  “Darius, where exactly are we going?”

  It was on the tip of his tongue to say “Tartarus,” but he caught himself just in time. Instead he said, “I’m going to that island and you’re going in the ocean,” as he undid the top button on his jeans.

  “You’re not...”

  “Not what, Kassandra? Not stripping? No, nothing like that,” he said grinning as he shrugged his body out of the tight confines of his jeans, hoping for once his bloody erection wouldn’t command any attention. He heard her hitch her breath and the Titan part of him almost purred in satisfaction, knowing she wasn’t missing anything as he stood before her in all his splendor.

  “Darius, seriously, you’re planning to skinny dip in the Atlantic?”

  Was that a touch of fear in her voice? The Titan in him said so, while the compassionate part of him tried to reason her fear. Swimming in the middle of the ocean wasn’t that unusual, but the chill of the water would nip into her skin after about ten minutes. By Zeus, why didn’t I think to bring along a human wet suit for her? Annoyed at himself, he realized he hadn’t taken time to care for her feelings. And that irked him more.

  “Um, those jeans of yours are going to have to come off,” he said, fighting the urge to grin. She looked down and realized she’d put the flippers on first without taking off her pants. He especially liked how her eyes grew wide with shock as the full meaning of what he said penetrated her brain.